Deerfield Valley
Housing Committee
Striving for safe, affordable housing for all
The Bi-Town Economic Development Committee was created many years ago to work on Economic Development issues in Dover and Wilmington. A housing sub-committee of Bi-Town was created in 2017 to discuss the growing housing needs in our community.
In 2019, the Housing Committee commissioned a comprehensive Housing Analysis and Master plan to learn more about the housing needs of our Valley. Since then, the committee has been using the data and goals outlined in that plan to work towards solidifying our housing inventory and to plan for future growth for our workforce and incoming residents.
The four most important goals from this analysis were presented as follows:
#1 | To meet housing demand created by in-commuters,
increase the availability of year-round rentals.
#2 | To increase community pride and quality of housing,
improve the appearance, health, and safety of the
current housing stock.
#3 | Facilitate the development of housing
for seniors and year-round workforce.
#4 | Improve housing through a holistic approach
via advocacy and economic development engagement.
To achieve these goals, the committee focuses it's work on:
Ensuring safe and well planned growth availability the
housing stock in the Valley
Providing resources for our housing providers,
homeowners, and renters about housing options and
future housing planning
Support and education for the residents of our
community regarding housing
Advocacy at the local, state and federal level to push
for pro-housing regulations and legislation
Our Meetings
Our committee meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month from 1:00-2:00pm via Zoom. We use these meetings to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and overall plan for housing in the Deerfield Valley.
Below you can watch previous meetings to see what we've been working on to help address housing needs in the Valley.
If you are interested in attending a meeting or are considering joining our housing sub-committee, please contact committee chair Eric Durocher via email or phone at 802.464.5100 x4